El Arzobispo de Cracovia, Cardenal Stanislaw Dziwisz, quien fuera secretario privado de Juan Pablo II por largos años, viene trabajando en un libro con sus memorias al lado del querido siervo de Dios, que saldría a la luz el próximo año.

La agencia Kath.net informó que el libro contendrá las memorias del Cardenal Dziwisz, el quinto hijo de un trabajador ferroviario, quien desde 1966, a lo largo de casi cuatro décadas,

sirvió como secretario privado a Karol Wojtyla, durante sus años como Arzobispo de Cracovia y luego como Sumo Pontífice.

La obra titulada“Mi vida con Karol” debe aparecer el próximo año en lengua italiana, publicado por la editorial italiana Rizzoli, quien recibió los derechos del libro.

John Paul II Shouldn't Have Survived Gunshot

Doctors who operated on Pope John Paul after a 1981 assassination attempt were convinced he would die under the knife, his ex-secretary says in a new book.

Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, now archbishop of Krakow in Poland, also says in a memoir due to be published next year that efforts to save the pope were hampered by a series of glitches.

Brief excerpts of "My Life with Karol" were made available on Monday by the Italian publisher Rizzoli ahead of its presentation at the Frankfurt Book Fair this week.

In a chapter called "Those Two Bullets", Dziwisz recalls his feelings when Turkish gunman Mehmet Ali Agca shot the Pope while his open jeep was being driven through
St Peter's Square
on May 13, 1981 at the start of his weekly general audience.